För studenter 14–18 år

Blogg - Hannas utbytesår i USA

Vår student Hanna, från Polen, bloggar för STS under sitt utbytesår på 10 månader i USA. Följ hennes resa och hennes äventyr under hela vägen! Vill du veta mer och få mer ännu inspiration från våra studenter? Läs fler berättelser om hur det är att vara utbytesstudent genom våra Student Stories.

  • My First American Halloween


    I think one of the more American things is Halloween. I was very excited to celebrate this holiday. It lived up to even my wildest expectations. In...
  • Things that surprised me in the United States


    Since my arrival, I have noticed many things different from those in my country, Poland. I would like to tell you about them. Walmart I think there...
  • First day of school


    The alarm clock rang. I opened my eyes and looked at my phone, it was 6 am. I lay in bed for a while writing back the messages that came to me in t...