Empowering young people since 1958

Host family for life

Wed May 29 2024

24 years ago, I was on exchange with STS in Cape Town/South Africa. Today, as a local coordinator, I support exchange students and host families in Germany. And I'm still close with my host mom and dad. I have just visited them again in Cape Town!

At the age of 16, I spent my year abroad in Cape Town with Mr. and Mrs. Stoops. My host parents don't have any children of their own, so I was one of several exchange students they (and their dog!) hosted. Back then, friends used to ask: “Which country are you going to?” because South Africa as a nation was not yet well known among students. Or they warned me about being eaten by lions. But that didn’t put me off.

Of course, there were some issues during my stay. My host father was also my English teacher. Not only did I once get reprimanded for not doing my homework, but my classmates, with whom I became friends, were initially reluctant to come to my house and meet their teacher in their free time. But over time, it became obvious that my host family and me were made for each other. We still use the terms “host mom” and “host dad” to this day.

My year in Cape Town just flew by. The school system (including a school uniform) was exciting, and school life even more so. The national sports of rugby and cricket are played in school teams and their leagues, and once a year the schools even compete in singing performances led by cheerleaders. I tried my hand at cricket, but our team came in last in the school league. We had lots of braais (the Afrikaans word for barbecue), and I found the bilingualism in the Cape Rainbow Nation very exciting. Being involved in the church choir and orchestra helped me personally, as did the numerous excursions and field trips. The safari to Kruger National Park offered by STS was simply fantastic.

But every year comes to an end. For host mom, host dad and me, it was clear that we would see each other again. I visited my host parents a few more times in this most beautiful place in the world. But they also saw me in Germany: the first time for my graduation ball in 2003. It deepened our relationship even more to show them around my home country as a tour guide and to visit various German soccer stadiums with host dad. In 2007, a friend and I spent another three months with my host parents in Cape Town, and in 2010 I visited them with my boyfriend. Despite the great distance (but little to no time difference!), we stayed in touch over the years. My host dad actually walked me down the aisle in 2015 and they visited again 2021. In 2022 we reunited in Cape Town with my family of four.

This April I saw them again in my South African home, where I just reach into a kitchen cupboard straight after arriving and almost blindly grab a glass. We had a quiet time, both of them are retired now and I simply enjoyed the peace and nice weather. Of course, I also explored this indescribably beautiful country again.

I am just so grateful to have found these people. Here's to hopefully many more wonderful moments near and far!